Jonathan Mandell's new mosaic, Flowers on Mars (36" x 36" x 4") will be auctioned live at the National Liberty Museum's Glass Gala event on Saturday, September 29th, 2012. For information contact the Museum at:
Jonathan Mandell's Casablanca mosaic (96" x 36"x 2") 2000 is now in the lobby of the Bryn Mawr Film Institute. This mosaic was made using ceramic tile, and various semiprecious stones and minerals including jade, rhodonite, snowflake obsidian and hickoryite jasper. The grout joints act as drawing lines bringing the imagery to life. This detail show the secondary players in the movie, Claude Rains, Conrad Veidt, Sidney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. The heads are around the size of an Eisenhower silver dollar. They were made using tweezer sized ceramic shards